Monday, March 11, 2013

March 2013

For PDF version click here: March 2013

Dear Pastor and Praying Friends,

We praise the Lord for answered prayers.

  • We needed to sell our house right away because the good family who was renting from us decided to buy their own home.  So we began to pray, with special concern about  the potential financial pressure on our family.  As you may know, the economy in Michigan is very sluggish.  And yet within ten days after listing with a realtor a young couple looked at our house and made an offer.  Praise God we sold it to them one month later!
  • We also rejoice that our oldest daughter, Elizabeth, was able to return to Bible college in January.  She didn’t return last September because of a lack of funds.  Elizabeth is now a sophomore at Crown College in Powell, TN.
  • Praise God as well for continuing to open doors to visit and minister in churches.  We’re grateful for several additional supporters who have joined the team!

In Ethiopia Easter (Fasika) is celebrated after 55 days of severe fasting.  Orthodox Christians do not eat meat and dairy products for the entire fasting period.  The main religious service takes place on the Saturday night before Easter.  It’s a somber, ceremonial occasion with music and dancing until the early hours of the morning.  Most people go to the whole service and wear their best clothes.  At 3:00 a.m. everyone returns home to break their fast, and a chicken is slaughtered at midnight for the symbolic occasion.  In the morning, after a rest, a sheep is slaughtered to start the feasting on Easter Sunday.

We’re not leaving for Ethiopia in March as we originally hoped.  Please continue to pray as we seek God’s perfect will and timing in our lives.  Thank you for your encouraging help as together we bring the hope of our risen Savior to this lost and dying world.  We truly appreciate your sacrificial gifts of support and prayer.  We trust you’ll have a glorious celebration of Christ’s triumphant victory over death!

Because He Is Risen,

Lonnie, Nodja, Elizabeth, Josiah, Judson & Holly