Thursday, September 27, 2012

September 2012 Prayer Letter

Dear Pastor and Praying Friends,

Volatile leadership transition in Ethiopia could breed turmoil.  Ethiopia is the oldest independent country in Africa and one of the most ancient in the world.  For centuries it was led by a succession of emperors who claimed lineage to King Solomon of the Old Testament.  In 1974 the last of these rulers, Emperor Haile Selassie, was murdered during a coup.  For the next 20 years Ethiopia was controlled by a cruel communist regime.  This period became known as "The Red Reign of Terror" because of the awful bloodshed that haunted the country.
In the early 1990's the communist government of Ethiopia was overthrown and Meles Zenawi, a former guerilla leader, became the Prime Minister.  Mr. Meles was credited with improving Ethiopia's economy and was considered one of Africa's shrewdest and most intelligent leaders.  Commanding one of Africa's largest armies, He worked closely with Washington to combat Muslim extremism in the Horn of Africa.  However, during his rule of nearly two decades Mr. Meles was a repressive leader resulting in a nation that's largely one-party with a poor human rights record.  State or party-owned companies dominate the economy while the vast majority of Ethiopians remain in dire poverty.  The country also suffers from the effects of frequent droughts and famines.
Mr. Meles died last month creating a leadership vacuum.  His death has raised new anxieties among the regional allies with troops in Somalia, which borders Ethiopia.  The delicate political transition in Somalia is incomplete and under serious strain.  There's also a stand-off between South Sudan and Sudan, two more neighboring countries.  Such a conflict brings the danger of dragging the region into another flame of military upheaval.  Ethiopia's new Prime Minister is Hailemariam Desalegn.  It's considered unlikely that he'll command the same authority as Mr. Meles, and some are sure to see him as little more than a figurehead.  Many believe this time of transition could be very volatile in Ethiopia, Africa's second most populated nation.  Such fears are understandable, considering Ethiopia's history.  Please pray that God continues to keep the doors open in this key country.  Ethiopia so desperately needs the Gospel!
Our departure for Ethiopia is rapidly approaching!  Please pray for our family as we take care of final details to leave on March 1st.  We need about 25% more for monthly financial support.  There's other crucial matters such as selling our home, obtaining visas, getting our vaccinations, and raising funds for the passage.  We're deeply grateful for your faithful partnership.  It's our eternal privilege to count you as dear co-laborers in Christ.
Because He Is Worthy,
Lonnie, Nodja, Elizabeth, Josiah, Judson & Holly
To see our video:
Sent By: Lighthouse Baptist Church - Pastor Brian Blount
                 1950 N Jebavy Dr; Ludington, MI 49431
Serving With: Baptist International Outreach
                 PO Box 587; Jefferson City, TN 37760
Contact: 313-399-4661; 313-399-4126

Monday, May 28, 2012

Praise & Prayer Letter - March 2012

Dear Pastor and Praying Friends,

Praise God, we're now on our last lap of deputation!  With nearly 70% of our needed monthly financial support, these are 
exciting days for our family.  We'll be moving to Ethiopia by the end of this year to begin the work to which God has called us -  we 
can hardly wait!  Some churches who already support us have increased their amount.  We're also grateful to the following 
churches who have recently  committed to financially help us sow the Gospel in Ethiopia and beyond.
                      ■ Calvary Baptist Church - Brutus, MI  ■ Lighthouse Baptist Church - Lebanon, IN
                      ■ Fellowship Baptist Church - Canton, OH                              ■ Northwoods Baptist Church - Clare, MI
                      ■ Lewis Memorial Baptist Church - Huntington, WV
Please pray for our preparation trip this summer.  June is our target for an imperative visit to Ethiopia.  We're prayerfully 
focusing on three chief objectives for this trip.  First of all, we earnestly desire to be used of God to minister by way of teaching, 
preaching and handing out Gospel tracts.  There will be bountiful opportunities for evangelism and we're praying for a wonderful
harvest of souls for Christ.  The second reason for making this trip is to seek God's direction concerning where He would have us 
start a church upon moving to Ethiopia.  Most of this needy country is seriously lacking for good, Bible based churches of any sort.  
However, there's an awfully painful dearth of true fundamental New Testament Baptist churches.  Two primary locations capture
our attention as possible places to plant such a church.  The third objective for visiting Ethiopia this summer is do a study on the 
cost of living and to search for possible housing.  The first time we moved to Ethiopia my wife and I made this kind of preparation 
trip and God blessed tremendously.  Nodja and I are hoping to both go this time as well.  However, that decision is dependent on
the funds which God will provide.  We surely appreciate your prayers.  If God would also lead you to help with the finances of this 
trip we'd be most grateful.  Please send your gifts to: Baptist International Outreach; PO Box 587; Jefferson City, TN 37760; 865-
262-0900;  It you would, please note this as a special gift - survey trip.  Thank you for your consideration.
We treasure your partnership as we strive to "Magnify His Majesty," both here and in Ethiopia.  Your encouraging letters, 
faithful prayers and sacrificial giving are a true inspiration.

Because He Is Worthy,
Lonnie, Nodja, Elizabeth, Josiah, Judson & Holly